For this weeks blog we did a summer learning ativatea I did a cartoon shark.It was hard at first but then I got the hang of it. And it was really fun and hard.And we watched the video and then drew the shark this is what mine looks like now I like it.
Richard Henry
This week my reading task was about the Kakapo.
Well the rabbits were a problem because there numbers increased more and more than farmers Introduce stoats ferrets and weasels to kill the rabbits but they were a threat to the native bird like Kakapo so Richard Henry found a island to take the native birds like the Kakapo. But after all is effort he seen a stoat and then all of the bird died but there are still Kakapo know. So not all that effort. This is what wrote about.We learnt a lot about Richard Henry.
Writing a Personification poem
We have been doing a poem about Personification it means non human things seem human.It makes writing more interest.Hears so example the leaves danced across the lawn it just means a human danced across the lawn.Did you every do Personification at school?. I think i did a pretty good at Personification.
The sea swallow the whitebait.The stream swallowed fish it steals stuff and it spits and it vomits.This is my poem about personification
Twin pics
We have to do a thing it was called Twin pics. Every day a new picture comes through. My score was 68% it is really fun and cool I got prity close to it.And you have to describe it and it will score you fore it.
ST Johns
Today we had St John it was really fun and I learnt some new things that I didn’t know. We played games. One of them was if someone that you had to band them up sow they can’t bleed out and die or bleed out.and we learnt that if we call 999 or 911 they still respond to it.
There are 19 pests in NZ they kill the native birds and the native animals.Sow we have to kill them and keep the numbers down. But goat are one of the one that’s you have to keep them down they keep breeding and there is always twins My dad is doing goat hunting he is coming home to day he has shoot it least 23 goats he is going to maybe take me when next go’s witch is really son he is going to get ball tar some a scraped 50 years ago they are not meant to be there so he has to find them and shoot them because they are eating all the native plants there is not that much up there.But were dad is there is not meat to be there but there is lots we got two new dogs and one is a puppy and one big they are really good at barking at the goats and making them stay still so that Milo the dog we have had the most he keeps the goat on the ground and he bites them and keeps them down so dad can shoot them and it is really cool I wont to do that when I am older.Here is a picture of A wild goat.Have you every shoot a goat or do you do goat pests control. My dad used to do possums hunting he would walk in the Bosh . And up big mountings.
On Friday we go to rip rugby. We vs lots of schools and we are going to Greymouth for the last seven games .It will fun.There are two teams and the year six team. We have had one game .I have scored three tries so far.And I did good.It is the last game of the season we have won all of the games soy far.We pass a lot we score a lot to.But I have to vs my friends to that play under a eleven with me in west we have lost one game this season.
This week we have been doing a book.It is about Moa moose and a moth people think that they are not in NZ and they died.
In January 1993, Paddy Freaney, a publican from Arthur’s Pass, claimed to have seen a moa in the Craigieburn Range in Canterbury. He strongly denied that the sighting was a hoax. This was the latest of many alleged sightings since Europeans arrived in New Zealand. However, there is no convincing evidence that moa have existed since about 1550. And if you go on teara to see the video.Have you every sore a moa?. I am getting better at my key worlds.
This week we have be doing summarising text about long-fin eels, it was so fun. Do you know that long-fin eels go to Samoa when they are thirty years old. When the female long fin eel lays her eggs she dies then the babies come back to Australia and Zealand then it happens all over . Some people eat and sell them for money and food.Then they eat small fish bugs and small ducklings and small birds. Some people eat big long finned eels. Did you know that they can go on land but at and when it is raining they try to find river and streams to go to sea. It is a journey for them it must be hard to swim to Samoa but they have to look out for big birds and sharks and other predators so that they can get to Samoa and lay their eggs and so their are long finned eels their is not much long find eels left and about half of the eels just get and about half of the babies get back to Zealand and Australia.From Kobe.Whats your feed back.
Soccer Tournament.
Today we went to soccer Tournament at Cass Square.And we played five teams from South West land to Grey Valley.And we we won four and drew one of them.And there were 350 kids there and there were 40 teams and 13 schools.And the games were 12 minutes and then we had a 2 byes.And we are Kaniere Kereru.And we played St Marys. It was really fun.Did you get to go to soccer when you were at school.